Friday, November 6, 2009

Mean Mickey Mouse?

This afternoon, an article titled "Mickey Mouse gets his edge back" appeared in AOL.COM. As a huge Disney fan and daughter of an ex "cast member" of Disney Corporation, I couldn't help but click and find out what it was all about.

The article explains that in a new Wii game, Mickey will appear in his original black-and-white scheme, designed by Walt Disney himself, through a series of Disney movies. I couldn't help but think: "Oh no! Another Coke disaster!," and sure enough, the reference comes up toward the end of the article. There is a concern that this plan for a plain Mickey will backfire. However, if it is just for the game, I think it will be fine. It will get kids asking mom and dad why Mickey looks funny in the game, and therefore encourage the parents to share a bit of Disney history with their kids.

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